Higher levels of PFAS in a mother’s blood during pregnancy were associated with reduced fetal growth, resulting babies being born smaller, according to new research from ISGlobal, an ATHLETE partner. Babies with a low birthweight have an increased risk of chronic disease in childhood and adulthood. Learn more about the research from Bethany Knox, first author and ISGlobal researcher, by watching the video below.
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Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), also known as ‘forever chemicals’, are persistent substances used extensively in industrial and commercial products, such as non-stick frying pans, cosmetics, waterproof clothing, and many other products people use daily.
Researchers at ISGlobal are studying the impact of PFAS on vulnerable populations like mothers and their babies. The link between PFAS and low birthweight highlights the need for EU policy that encourages early invention to protect human health from harmful chemicals.