Vytautas Magnus University (VDU)
Vytauto Didziojo Universitetas (VDU) is one of the leading universities of Lithuania and one of the few in the region where a wide liberal arts education is imparted. The University focuses on scientific research in natural sciences and environmental health, Biomedicine and social sciences, and consists of 10 faculties, among them faculty of Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, Informatics, Economics and Management, and other.
Professors and scientists within the University’s Department of Environmental Sciences faculty of Natural Sciences have extensive experience in the area of environmental exposure and risk assessment and act as scientific advisors and experts at the national and international level. The department has a broad research portfolio in psychosocial environment and non- communicable diseases with a strong focus on the influence of environmental conditions and contamination on pregnancy outcomes, children and adult’s health.
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Main tasks in the project
VDU provides data from the Kaunas mother-child cohort KANC, comprising longitudinal data and a biobank on over 4,000 mother-child pairs. The researchers also contribute in WP1, 2, 6, 9 and 10.